A government agency is an organization set up by the government either permanently or semi-permanently for a specific function which can be an oversight or administrative one. There are two ways of establishing government agencies. One is through an act of Congress and is known as a legislative agency, while the President creates the other, known as an Executive agency. One of the main differences between these two agencies is that the head of the executive agency serves at the mercy of the President, while for the head of the legislative agency, the President must show cause for his removal.
A government agency can have executive, quasi-legislative, or quasi-judicial functions. This means they can enforce laws and regulations, create new regulations, conduct adjudicatory proceedings, develop policy and monitor local governments.
The federal or State government can create government agencies, but their independence and accountability vary widely. Generally, these agencies are created to manage industries or practices that require close monitoring or specialized knowledge.
Government agencies are not exempt from security threats that have cost billions in damages. These agencies hold confidential, classified, and personal information that cyber criminals find valuable. Therefore, government agencies must share files using systems that include a high level of security and comply with set regulations such as those on cloud service offerings by FedRAMP. ICFiles file sharing prioritizes security and compliance to ensure government agencies remain efficient and compliant.